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Professional Computer Aided maze layout package
"Let us help you get lost."

2025-03-12 07:25:25 EST .

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Help put lesson plans on this page!
Get up to $4,000 in money & prizes for your help!
(Read Below)

Call to Educators
2 Free Maze Creator STD Licenses per accepted submission
get a $150 reward, total award can be over $4,000!

We frequently get questions about lesson plans using Maze Creator.  Teachers around the world would like help integrating Maze Creator's puzzles into their class exercises and their students learning experience.  This is where we would like your help. We would like to compile 10+ lesson plans to make freely available to all.  We would like the breakdown for target grades to be as follows:

  • K-2
  • 3-6
  • 7-8
  • 9-12

The topic can be on any topic, some examples:

  • History
  • Health
  • Astronomy/Space
  • Technology
  • Science
  • Literature
  • Mathematics
  • Life Science

Let that wet your whistle. If Maze Creator accepts and would like to publish your lesson plan on our website or in eBook format.  As a reward to you, we will give you two Maze Creator STD licenses.  One for you and one for your school.  This is almost a $80.00 value.  You will also have a byline credit for yourself and your educational institution. All accepted lesson plans will be compiled (sometime after we get 10 submissions, but not before November 2007) and voted upon for best lesson plan.  The winner will get the following:

  • 1 Maze Creator PRO license for their school news paper ($249.95 Value)
  • enough Maze Creator STD licenses to fill their school's computer lab (Max will be 100 licenses, up to $3,995.00 value)
  • $150 payment to the winner
  • A few other surprises

Prepare your Lesson Plan today, see below for submission instructions.  We can even help you create the maze(s) required for your lesson plan.

Submit a lesson plan

To get started select a topic and grade to your lesson plan.  Prepare your lesson plan in Microsoft Word format.  you can follow this link for each sample lesson plans and you can also find some Content Standards for more assistance.

Your lesson plan should contain the following items:

  • your name
  • your schools name/district
  • your schools city and state (or city and country)
  • lesson plan title
  • appropriate grades
  • overview
  • purpose
  • objectives
  • activities
  • required materials
  • comments to your fellow educator (tying it all together)

Some optional items you should consider:

  • reference material
  • pictures/graphics
  • duration of lesson plan (4 hours, 1 Day, 3 Days, etc)
Maze Creator would like to offer you some help.  We understand that all users may not understand the full power of Maze Creator.  If you are having difficulty creating a maze to integrate into your lesson plan we are more than willing to work with you to complete this part of the task.  This service will be offered on a first-come first-served basis. Asking for help will in no way decrease your chances of your lesson plan being excepted.

once you have completed your lesson plan and Maze Creator puzzle to integrate into your plan, you can submit your completed work.  Your submission should be emailed to ""  with a subject starting with "Lesson Plan Submission:" (this is so we can sort it out from SPAM).  Your entry will need to include the following items:

  • your name
  • your address
  • your phone number
  • your e-mail address
  • your school name and address
  • your attached Microsoft Word lesson plan
  • a minimum of one MZE (Maze Creator save file) for use with your lesson plan
  • any other required images/graphics required to make your lesson plan complete
  • optionally you can include an autobiography
  • optionally you can include your photo
Your lesson plan is not considered submitted until you receive confirmation from Maze Creator.  You should get this confirmation within a few days of your submission.  If you do not receive confirmation within this time frame, please contact Maze Creator to follow-up.

IMPORTANT: Please make sure that all content has been created by yourself and/or you have the legal right to redistribute.  Also note that all submitted material will become the property of Maze Creator.  Our intent is to redistribute this for the use of other teachers. Submitting your lesson plan to Maze Creator will signify your acceptance and understanding of the statement.

Thank you for your submission!

This offer is void where prohibited.

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If you have any questions about Maze Creator please email