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Professional Computer Aided maze layout package
"Let us help you get lost."

2025-02-27 20:50:25 EST .

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Left click within the maze template in the upper left of the screen.  This will erase that portion of the maze.  If you left click and hold the button down.  Now move the mouse to cut out larger portions of the maze.  Form the outline of a roof as shown below.  Note, if you make a mistake, simply right click on the cell you didn't want to erase and it will re-appear.  When done, click the "Black" button, your screen should be similar to the own below:

Referring to the example below, left click within the maze template to form the; door in the lower left, chimney in the upper right, as well as a few windows for the house.  Again, holding the left button down will do an area while moving the mouse and right clicking will repair any errors you may have made.  You should have something like this:

Now, you need to set the exit and entry points for the maze.  These can be set with the "STOP" and "START" buttons.  Select the "STOP" button first.  Left click on the peak of the roof.  You will note a bright red cell formed.  Now right click on the same location.  You will note the color fades and there is a dotted outline.  Both of these are valid exit points for the maze, but the first red square would be printed as red, when the faded square will be invisible (forming a void if it is along and edge of the maze as it is here):

Now, left click on the "START" button and right click below the front door in the lower left:


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