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Professional Computer Aided maze layout package
"Let us help you get lost."

2025-02-27 20:55:09 EST .

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Okay, your template is done, you can save it if you would like.  Click on the "DISK" icon or use FILE -> Save if you wish to use the menus.  Next you are ready to "SEED" the maze.  Seeding with generate your unique maze.  To seed, left click the "SEED" button, then left click somewhere within your visible maze template (not an erased cell or blackened cell).  Left click on the light green start.  Choosing different seed locations will cause varied solutions.  As a rule, the solution for the maze heads or passes through the seed location(s).  Some mazes, with dead areas, may require additional seeding to complete the maze look.  For example the dot of the letter "i" in a maze template would not be part of the solution if the dot was isolate from the rest of the maze.  A second click on the dot of the "i" will make the printout look correct.

Print this maze using the "Printer" icon or FILE -> Print using the menus.  When you have done that, get your pencil out and solve the printed maze.  Next, click the "SOLVE" button to create the solution to the maze.  This can also be printed following the instructions above.  Here is what a solution looks like (yours will likely be a bit different):

Very good, that was a quick start.  Now go back and play with some of the other feature and maze templates.  If you want a different maze given the same template you designed, you can either reload the saved file or select Maze Options -> Clear to reset the maze back before you first seeded it.  You can also click on the setup button to start a completely new maze.  Note, if you don't change the style or dimensions of the maze after selecting the setup button nothing will happen.  Maze Creator just thinks you were checking.  If you wish to use the same dimensions and style but want to start a new maze template, select FILE -> NEW to get started.  Try it now.


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