Maze Creator Puzzle Software Web Site


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Professional Computer Aided maze layout package
"Let us help you get lost."

2025-03-12 06:58:24 EST .

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Educational Discount

Maze Creator
The Worlds Leader in Maze Design Software.

This horse head maze is an example of what can be done with the software.
This maze only took 5 minutes to create with this puzzle software.
Download the maze software and let your imagination run wild.

create a maze horses head

Maze Creator acknowledges the efforts or educators world wide.  Most of these positions are government sponsored and do not pay to the full value of the person.  The fact that you have found this web page indicates you care that much for the minds you help to mold.  You are constantly looking for newer ways to capture the minds attention and deliver the message.

I, Greg Peatfield, Author of Maze Creator would like to thank you for your efforts.  I have been inspired by many educators to significantly increased my own confidence and challenged me to make a difference in life.  They have given me the skills and planted the seed to accomplish anything that I choose to undertake in my life.  With that, I again thank you for your efforts.

Maze Creator is offering the following discounts to help support education:

Educational Discounts

Public Libraries

  • Public libraries can get free copies of Maze Creator HOME
  • They also qualify for a 75% discount off of Maze Creator STD
  • Please contact for details

Please help notify your local public library about this free offer.

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If you have any questions about Maze Creator please email