Author Topic: Maze Creator STD 3.64B1 Released  (Read 23684 times)

Maze Creator

  • Maze Creator
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Maze Creator STD 3.64B1 Released
« on: August 27, 2009, 03:25:56 PM »
Hi All,

We have put up the BETA version of Maze Creator STD 3.64 for download.

This version contains the new UNDO feature and should work nicer with Windows 7 & VISTA.  It has been testing on Windows 7 32 & 64 Bit and works fine.  For VISTA, we didn't have a 64 Bit for testing, but the 32 Bit version worked with no problems.  The default background issue should be fixed as well, once you add your own graphic of text the background will disappear.

You will also see a few new tilers buried in this release.  They will be up for download through the gallery shortly.

-Maze Creator
« Last Edit: August 27, 2009, 03:30:00 PM by Maze Creator »