Author Topic: Is this the right room? Am I in the right place? Hello?  (Read 37982 times)


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Is this the right room? Am I in the right place? Hello?
« on: July 22, 2010, 05:45:45 AM »
Hi,   :)

     I may just be missing it, but I didn't see anyplace set aside for introducing myself.  Not one to let a little thing like that stop me, I wandered into this area to share a little bit about myself and hope you will do the same.

     My name is Yaya and I love mazes.  Big surprise there, huh?   :D  I am new to the programmable capability of creating mazes, but I am enjoying the thrill of learning all that I can about Maze Creator.  Basically, I've been able to figure out how to create mazes... basically.  Nothing fancy and I'm still struggling to figure out how each area in the program works.

     Sometimes, I sit and stare at my screen, hoping that it will reveal something I haven't quite understood.  Then, reality returns and I get back to work and try learning it from the instructions, again.  Interestingly, the latter method seems to work best.  LOL

     Would love to get to know others who use this program and perhaps swap information, such as, "Well, I tried this and this is what happened.  How did you approach that problem?"
     I do hope you will all introduce yourself and we can work towards more understanding and capability for everyone.  This is only the second forum I think I have ever been involved with, so any words of advice would certainly be appreciated; like, how do I get my screen to stop jumping while I'm trying to type this message?

     Thanks for any and all advice and encouragement you can offer.  I promise you, I will share whatever I can to help any of you.  I may not know a lot about Maze Creator, yet, but I am learning and I love sharing anything I know.  With that thought, I'm looking forward to meeting each of you.   :)

 ~ Yaya


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Re: Is this the right room? Am I in the right place? Hello?
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2010, 09:22:11 PM »
     ::Yaya looks out the window and down the road.  She sees other maze creators walking away, so she knows that they have been to visit.  Yaya wonders why no one stopped to say Hi::
« Last Edit: July 22, 2010, 10:18:17 PM by yaya »