This is a free upgrade for all 1.60 users. Please goto the download section, this version will be enabled for download if you qualify.
New in 1.70B1:
ADDED: Multi-Level UNDO Buffer for Template/Graphics/Text layer updates
ADDED: UNDO Keyboard shortcut (CTRL-Z) and Mouse Gesture "Down-Right"
ADDED: Mouse wheel scrolling in maze layout
IMPROVED: Drawing/Painting with left button down and moving the cursor
ADDED: Windows 7/VISTA Support
FIXED: Default Background will not disappear when you add your own text/graphics
FIXED: Large page sizes are now supported
FIXED: High Resolution Printer Drivers should be supported in their own format
FIXED: BMP Export is limited by GDI, causing problems with large image sizes
UPDATED: Image Filename will have an underscore "_" added between the image name and image number