Author Topic: Downloading Tilers  (Read 22932 times)


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Downloading Tilers
« on: September 06, 2009, 09:26:40 AM »
When I was using MC 3.63 creating mazes, I want to download some new tilers. But when I clicked on "Show Tiler Gallery", it says that the internet has problems.(If my computer has problems, how can I post this post?) I clicked it more then 10 times but it always says the same thing.

I used MC 3.64b1 before but I think it has some bugs so I changed using MC 3.63 again. I remember that when I'm using MC 3.64b1 the "Show Tiler Gallrey" button works properly. Did the adress of the tiler gallery changed or other happend? ??? >:(

Bug list
When I changed the system date, the trial time can be changed.
When I right click the maze, it flashes.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2009, 09:29:42 AM by qlf2007 »

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Re: Downloading Tilers
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2009, 08:06:54 PM »

The Show Tiler Gallery is working.  This is most likely because your firewall is blocking access for the Maze Creator application, but not of your web-browser.

Not sure what you mean about changing the system time.

The right mouse button resets the cell under the cursor.  The screen is then refreshed to update the maze to reduce screen artifacts.  This is normal.

Thank you,
Maze Creator Support