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Maze/Puzzle Sites / Maze Generation in C++
« Last post by Maze Creator on February 16, 2010, 01:39:26 AM »
Here is a good C++ project posted on CodeProject for those of you interested on how to develop maze software:

-Maze Creator
News / 800 Number/Calls to Maze Creator
« Last post by Maze Creator on February 15, 2010, 02:14:05 PM »
We are experiencing problems with our 866#.  We are sorry if you have tried to contact Shop Maze Creator in the last few weeks.  We are looking into the problem and trying to resolve the situation.  Please bare with us as we resolve this issue.  Please feel free to contact us at for faster service.

Maze Creator
News / Sorry to new members
« Last post by Maze Creator on January 28, 2010, 02:13:52 PM »
We have had to institute additional controls when allowing new members.  This will slow down the process of getting approval to post. 

Unfortunately, we had to do this due to spammers setting up account and posting 100's of junk messages to sell their products.  You will likely get an email from Maze Creator asking your interest in Maze Creator before you are approved.  If you don't get this message within a few days, please contact requesting access.

Maze Creator
New Development / Re: Directed Solution Revisited
« Last post by Bud on January 14, 2010, 11:23:50 PM »
You are correct, I don't care how it gets to the points.  I had thought about the cutoff problem also.  I suppose you could just skip that point or send a message back to the user to try again (with colorful language if desired).  But I have played with this quite a bit, and doesn't happen all that much.  With careful planning, it is almost completly avoidable.  You could even place a limit on the number of intermediate points if that is what is needed. 

New Development / Re: Directed Solution Revisited
« Last post by Maze Creator on January 10, 2010, 02:01:12 AM »

Let me think about this feature.  I think what you are asking is a little different from the feature as it is today.  The current feature allows the "solution" to follow a specific path.  I think what you are requesting is that the solution pass through certain points, you don't care how it gets there as long as it is required.  Do I understand this right?

What do you think it should do if you "cutoff" a solution.  You zig-zag enough and now it isn't possible to get to that location?

New Development / Re: Directed Solution Revisited
« Last post by Bud on January 10, 2010, 12:36:59 AM »
Greg:  Yes, I have tried the "My Solution" tool, and it does the job, but it is a little difficult to get the same randomness in the solution, also if you make a mistake and don't catch it until you "solve" you have to redraw.  How about this:  have the "My Solution" tool respond in segments, click where you want to start, and then click on each stop in order of the desired solution?

Thanks for listening.
New Development / Re: Directed Solution Revisited
« Last post by Maze Creator on October 03, 2009, 12:38:52 AM »
Hi Bud,

Have you tried the "My Solution" tool?  I know it is a little difficult to use, but should allow you to draw your own solution that can go from start to stop to stop to stop.  Try this out, any ideas on making this tool more user friendly would be helpful.  Works for me, but I designed it and know how maze creator uses the tool....

Bug Report / Re: Tilers in MC STD 3.64
« Last post by Maze Creator on October 03, 2009, 12:35:09 AM »

I don't understand your question.

-Maze Creator
Software Support / Re: about Tiler
« Last post by Maze Creator on October 03, 2009, 12:31:37 AM »
I have not polished up the Tiler manual as of yet.  I will try to get that published shortly.  Thanks for your other feedback.

-Maze Creator
Software Support / Re: path size
« Last post by Maze Creator on October 03, 2009, 12:29:52 AM »
Hi Mary,

If I understand your question, you should be able to set the "Dimensions" to make the maze have less detail or more by decreasing or increasing the Cells Wide/Long in the Maze Creator Settings, it is one of the tabs of that dialog box (Style you see by default).  There is another tab that lets you set the "PAGE" Width & Height.  That one is next to the Dimensions tab in the same Settings dialog box.

Hopefully that is what you were trying to do.  I would suggest if you are creating sheep, you might want to start with a mask of a sheep to speed up the process of creating the maze.  What you need is a picture of a sheep and an image editing tool such as PhotoShop (Paint can do it too).   Set sections in the picture to white that you want removed, set section you want set to black in the template to black.  Most colors between white and black will be considered the maze template.  Check out the template galary built into Maze Creator for examples.  There is some information in the manual as well.  If you have a sheep picture, you can email it to me and I will help you convert it to a mask for Maze Creator.

Greg Peatfield
Maze Creator Author
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