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Software Support / path size
« Last post by mary on September 30, 2009, 01:18:09 PM »
I am trying out the std version and wanted to make a maze a particlar shape, for example the shape of a sheep. In order to get an accurate shape, I need to set the template for the maze to have many small squares. When it is time to generate the maze, is there a way to adjust the width of the path of the maze so that it can be wider? I need to do this because I would like to create a maze for very young children.

Thanks for your help.

Bug Report / Tilers in MC STD 3.64
« Last post by qlf2007 on September 29, 2009, 03:03:49 AM »
How soon does it need to upload the tilers packed in MC STD 3.64 to the Tiler gallery?
A.ASAP(As soon as possible)
B.A week
C.a month
D.three months
E.A year(I don't have time to wait that long)
New Development / Directed Solution Revisited
« Last post by Bud on September 25, 2009, 03:54:01 AM »
Hi Greg. haven't posted for quite a while, but I am still interested in being able to create a single thread, single start, multiple stop maze with the solution going thru the stops in a predetermined path. 

News & Information / Re: Maze Creator PRO V1.70 Released
« Last post by Maze Creator on September 18, 2009, 12:28:58 AM »
Maze Creator PRO V1.70 has been released.  This is identical to the 1.70B1 version.

-Maze Creator
News & Information / Re: Maze Creator STD V 3.64
« Last post by Maze Creator on September 18, 2009, 12:27:55 AM »
Maze Creator STD V 3.64 final release is ready for download.  There is a minor change from the 3.64B1 version in the mouse gestures.  Please download the latest version if you use Mouse Gestures for better performance and Gesture Recognition.

-Maze Creator
New Development / Re: Really large mazes
« Last post by Maze Creator on September 13, 2009, 12:57:00 AM »
Hi Bud,

Please try this with the latest version of Maze Creator.  There has been improvement in large maze handling.

-Greg Peatfield
Software Support / about Tiler
« Last post by qlf2007 on September 10, 2009, 09:53:42 AM »
Could you please give me a tiler editor or just tell me how to craete a tiler?

In reward of this, I could tell you some suggestion that may let more people buy your software. You can add these features on STD version and Pro version.
A:Limit the size of the maze in Home version and Free version because the maze for children won't be too big like 100*100 but it may need on some site like
B:Add some maze create algorithm like "Binary tree", "sidewinder" etc
There are lot of Maze create algorthm in freeware Daedalus 2.2 .
C:I think the Pro version is a little bit expensive than the STD version. You could higher the STD version and Lower the Pro version. ;D

Good luck, wish your software can be the best maze create software
Bug Report / Re: Downloading Tilers
« Last post by Maze Creator on September 06, 2009, 08:06:54 PM »

The Show Tiler Gallery is working.  This is most likely because your firewall is blocking access for the Maze Creator application, but not of your web-browser.

Not sure what you mean about changing the system time.

The right mouse button resets the cell under the cursor.  The screen is then refreshed to update the maze to reduce screen artifacts.  This is normal.

Thank you,
Maze Creator Support
Bug Report / Downloading Tilers
« Last post by qlf2007 on September 06, 2009, 09:26:40 AM »
When I was using MC 3.63 creating mazes, I want to download some new tilers. But when I clicked on "Show Tiler Gallery", it says that the internet has problems.(If my computer has problems, how can I post this post?) I clicked it more then 10 times but it always says the same thing.

I used MC 3.64b1 before but I think it has some bugs so I changed using MC 3.63 again. I remember that when I'm using MC 3.64b1 the "Show Tiler Gallrey" button works properly. Did the adress of the tiler gallery changed or other happend? ??? >:(

Bug list
When I changed the system date, the trial time can be changed.
When I right click the maze, it flashes.
News & Information / Maze Creator PRO V1.70B1 Released
« Last post by Maze Creator on August 30, 2009, 09:28:57 PM »
This is a free upgrade for all 1.60 users.  Please goto the download section, this version will be enabled for download if you qualify.

New in 1.70B1:

ADDED: Multi-Level UNDO Buffer for Template/Graphics/Text layer updates
ADDED: UNDO Keyboard shortcut (CTRL-Z) and Mouse Gesture "Down-Right&quot
ADDED: Mouse wheel scrolling in maze layout
IMPROVED: Drawing/Painting with left button down and moving the cursor
ADDED: Windows 7/VISTA Support
FIXED: Default Background will not disappear when you add your own text/graphics
FIXED: Large page sizes are now supported
FIXED: High Resolution Printer Drivers should be supported in their own format
FIXED: BMP Export is limited by GDI, causing problems with large image sizes
UPDATED: Image Filename will have an underscore "_" added between the image name and image number
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