Maze Creator STD Puzzle Software Web Site for professional publishers


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Professional Computer Aided maze layout package
"Let us help you get lost."

2025-03-26 18:42:03 EST .

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Maze Creator STD

Preferred version of educators


Maze Creator STD
Buy Maze Creator STD Puzzle Software Now





Quickly and easily create random customized mazes with solutions to be printed or exported  as EMF, BMP, TIF, and GIF formats.  Also simply referred to as Maze Creator, this is the original application and still shareware.  The Standard version allows the greatest flexibility.  With its ability to export mazes onto the clip board and to many file formats.  It works well with Adobe PhotoShop, Adobe InDesign, and Microsoft Publisher.  WEB MASTERS, Non-profit organizations, Youth Groups, Church newsletters, are just a few of the groups/people who have already benefited from this version.  In general, this is version is for anyone who can give credit to with their published work.

  • 8+ Template Styles & 14+ Tilers, great flexibility
  • Customize Maze Shape manually or with Masks
  • On-line Template, Mask, & Tiler galleries
  • Print Multiple unique mazes w/ solutions automatically
  • Export mazes w/ solution to Clipboard, EMF, BMP, GIF, & TIF Formats
  • Add Text & Graphics to your maze in 3 separate layers
  • Mouse gestures (short cuts) to improve productivity

Maze Creator STD 3.64

Here are a few of the things that will be included in this release:

  • ADDED: Multi-Level UNDO Buffer for Template/Graphics/Text layer updates
  • ADDED: UNDO Keyboard shortcut (CTRL-Z) and Mouse Gesture "Down-Right"
  • IMPROVED: Drawing/Painting with left button down and moving the cursor
  • ADDED: Windows 7/VISTA Support
  • FIXED: Default Background will not disappear when you add your own text/graphics
  • FIXED: Large page sizes are now supported
  • FIXED: High Resolution Printer Drivers should be supported in their own format
  • FIXED: BMP Export is limited by GDI, causing problems with large image sizes
  • UPDATED: Image Filename will have an underscore "_" added between the image name and image number

How do you create puzzles with Maze Creator?

Maze Creator is designed to take the puzzle out of making puzzles.  You can use any and all of the following venues of assistance with your new product.

On-Line Puzzle GALLERY: One of the most powerful features built right into Maze Creator.  You can us any of the on-line galleries to get started quickly.  Load any of the pre-made puzzles.  Customize or simply print the maze you loaded.  As you become more advanced in creating your own activities, setup your template with the style you would like, use the Mask gallery to rapidly reduce the template to the shape of the mask.  It is that fast and easy.  You can even add more Tiler's with the Tiler gallery.  Use this to quickly add different themed maze components.  

Maze Creator User Manual:  This 28 page PDF document will walk you through some of the built in tools for working on the template.  There are other sections which talk about features such as Masks, Galleries, Graphics Layers as well as Text Layers of the maze.  The final section discusses the options of getting your work out of Maze Creator such as exporting images, and printing to a Windows printer.  This manual is written for the PRO version, not all features will be available in the other versions.

Tutorials: Get started quickly with the on-line tutorials.  There are step-by-step presentations of Maze Creator in action.  A full motion walkthrough will give you a great head-start.   FORUM: There is an on-line Maze Creator Forum where you can join the Maze Creator community.  There you can exchange tips and hints with your fellow software users as well as converse directly with the author Greg Peatfield.  In the forum, you can ask how-to questions for your special activity or puzzle desire.
Free Extras: Sometimes the best way to learn is to see what the program is capable of producing.  In the free extras section, you will find many printable puzzles.  You can download some finished works such as a 12 maze Easter puzzle PDF with solutions.  Look around and check back frequently for new downloads.   Share designs with your friends, send your designs to Maze Creator to be added to the Gallery.  You will get a by-line and link to your site.

Brief List of Features by Product

<See the full list>


Free Maze Creator

Maze Creator

Maze Creator

Maze Creator

Latest Version 1.90 1.96 3.64 1.70
Template Styles 2 8+ 8+ 8+
TILERs INCLUDED 1 14+ 14+ 14+
Template Functions YES YES YES YES
Maze Template Layer YES YES YES YES
Add Text to maze YES YES YES YES
On-Line Template & Mask Galleries


Print Multiple unique mazes w/ Solutions YES YES YES YES
Multi-level UNDO


On-Line TILER Galleries


Import Images into maze NA YES YES YES
Export Maze & Solution to BMP, GIF, TIF, EMF, Clip-board NA NA YES YES
Support Alpha Blends NA NA NA YES
Control "Relative Direction" Maze Generation algorithm NA NA NA YES
Draw your own solution NA NA NA YES
Multiple BMP, GIF, TIF Export w/ Solutions NA NA NA YES
Commercial Publishing
No Maze Creator Reference required


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